What’s description of algae? The slimy green thread-like organisms seen in pond water, paddy fields, pond steps, drain water are usually algae.
Algae are very simple photosynthetic, vascular tissueless, monoecious, usually aquatic plants whose reproductive organs are unicellular and no embryo is formed after fertilization.
Algae are aquatic centripetal unicellular or multicellular organisms that can produce sugary food through photosynthesis.
Their body is not divided into roots, stems and leaves. They are able to bind nitrogen gas in the air.
They cause oxidation of food by respiration.
There are thought to be about 30,000 species of algae so far.
Algae grow in different environments, they can be aquatic, terrestrial or aquatic.
Aquatic algae are the most numerous. Aquatic algae also grow in stagnant water like ponds, ponds, lakes, or flowing water like rivers, oceans, etc.
They can grow in fresh water and brackish water. Some of them are unicellular and some are multicellular.
There are thousands of species of algae that vary greatly in size, shape, and composition.
Although there are many differences in size, shape and structure, they all share some basic characteristics.
And so, they are known as algae and algae. and All floating algae are called phytoplankton.
Algae that grow underground in water bodies are called benthic algae. Algae that grow on rocks are called lithophytes and algae that grow inside
the tissues of higher organisms are called androphytes. Some algae also grow on other algae as epiphytes.
The study and research of algae is called phycology or algology. Algaeology is also called algology.
Characteristics of Algae

The body of Algae is monoecious or thalloid i.e. the body is not differentiated into leaves.
The body is gametophytic, haploid and light dependent. Green in appearance and autophagous in nature due to chlorophyll in the cells.
Cell walls are composed of cellulose and pectin. Also present is slippery mucilage. Most algae store food carbohydrates or sugars,
some members store fats, alcohols or oil droplets. Transport tissue is missing in their body. Algae sporangium is simple and
unicellular and asexual reproduction occurs with the help of motile or immobile spores produced within it.
The reproductive organs are simple and unicellular and the reproductive organs are isogamous,
ancysogamous and eugamous in nature. Genital organs are usually not covered by a sterile membrane. The zygote never develops into an embryo.
Usually obvious genealogies are missing.
Algae Structure

What’s description of algae for body structure is simple in nature. They can be unicellular or multicellular.
They range in size from microscopic (0.5 micron in diameter) to 60 meters (brown algae) long and large.
The bodies of brown and red algae are branched and complex. The physical and cellular structure of algae is described below.
Physical Structure

Unicellular: Their body is simple and unicellular, cells have a nucleus and a chloroplast.
The shape of the cells can be round, oval or ellipsoid. They can move because they have one or two flagella at the front of the cell.
For example, chlamydomonus, euglena. They are immobile as they do not have flagella in their body.
They are encased singly or in groups in mucilage coating, such as chlorella, chlorococcus, cloeocapsa etc.
Motile Colony
A large number of motile single-celled algae join together by cytoplasmic filaments to form
spherical or ovoid colonies within a gelatinous coating. For example: Volvox, Eudorina, Pandorina .
Stationary Colony
The cells of this algal body composed of stationary cells are spherical. Forms star-shaped or reticulate colonies. Such as: Pediastrum , Hydrodictyon , etc.
In this case, the algal body is formed of hollow tubes or siphons, these tubes with nuclei or branches are called sinusites.
Sometimes the active algal cells retract their flagella and become covered with a mucilage.
This novel method of surviving in a hostile environment is called Pamela. This condition can be temporary or chronic.
What’s description of algae for In this case the body of the algae is thin and flat i.e. like thallus.
Cytoplasm of some algae protrudes and forms ephemera.
A type of mucilage is secreted from the base of the cells of Katak algae and by creating branches,
they are connected to each other and form a microscopic tree-like structure. Such condition is called dendrite condition.
What’s description of algae Nodus and Heterotricus
The body of any algae is made up of segments and segments. They are the most advanced of the filamentous algae.
The body of such algae consists of horizontal semi-aerial and erect aerial parts.
Many seaweeds have highly developed bodies and look much like advanced plants. The body divided into three sections, holdfast steep and forward.
Cellular Structure

The cell structure of algae is very similar to that of higher plant cells. Each cell is covered with a double-layered dead cell wall.
Chemically the wall is composed of different types of sugars like cellulose pectin mucilage etc. In some cases, proteins are stored in the cell wall.
Just below the cell wall is the living cell membrane made of lipids and proteins. The thick jelly-like substance surrounded by the cell membrane is the cytoplasm.
Cytoplasm usually contains organelles such as a nucleus, large chloroplasts, mitochondria, glycoproteins, pyrenoid ribosomes, etc.
Algae cells mainly store carbohydrates as food. But in different algae, the nature of stored sugars is also different.
For example in green algae the stored food is mainly starch or in white brown algae the stored food is laminarin and mannitol.
The stored carbohydrates in yellow and golden algae are volutin and fat. Floridian Starch etc.
to eat red algae. Besides, algae contain fats and oils, leucosin paramylum etc. as food. Some algae have cylindrical, branched, wallless, multinucleated cells.
Such algal bodies are called sinocytic. Algae account for about 60% of total photosynthesis on Earth. The remaining 40% are high class plants.
Higher plants are believed to have evolved from green algae. Bioluminescence in tropical seawater is caused by the algae Pyrrophyta. Red tides are produced by these algae.

What’s description of algae is After all, we know from research studies that algae play an important role in making fish food.
Abundant algae in the sea absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and release oxygen into the atmosphere,
thereby preventing environmental pollution. From adding oxygen to the atmosphere,
preventing environmental pollution, as a producer, in the production of wind fuel, detecting spy submarines, detecting marine fish,
determining the age of soil, as human food, as animal feed, algae in the production of nanofilters, etc.
Excess nutrients in ponds or water bodies can cause excessive growth of certain blue-green algae called aquatic blooms It pollutes reservoir water,
making it unfit for food and consumption. They also contribute to causing plant diseases, causing fish diseases, damaging structures, making roads slippery.